
2021-04-13 13:29:07 字數 2234 閱讀 5229



option explicit

private declare function getversionex lib "kernel32" alias "getversionexa" (lpversioninformation as osversioninfo) as long

private declare function shellexecute& lib "shell32.dll" alias "shellexecutea" (byval hwnd as long, byval lpoperation as string, byval lpfile as string, byval lpparameters as string, byval lpdirectory as string, byval nshowcmd as long)

private declare function initcommoncontrol*** lib "comctl32.dll" (lpinitctrls as initcommoncontrol***_type) as long

private const icc_internet_classes = &h800

private const ver_platform_win32s = 0

private const ver_platform_win32_windows = 1

private const ver_platform_win32_nt = 2

private enum startwindowstate

start_hidden = 0

start_normal = 4

start_minimized = 2

start_maximized = 3

end enum

private type osversioninfo

osvsize as long

dwvermajor as long

dwverminor as long

dwbuildnumber as long

platformid as long

szcsdversion as string * 128

end type

private const winxp = 6

private type initcommoncontrol***_type

dwsize as long

dwicc as long

end type

private function shelldocument(sdocname as string, _

optional byval action as string = "open", _

optional byval parameters as string = vbnullstring, _

optional byval directory as string = vbnullstring, _

optional byval windowstate as startwindowstate) as boolean

dim response

response = shellexecute(&o0, action, sdocname, parameters, directory, windowstate)

select case response

case is < 33

shelldocument = false

case else

shelldocument = true

end select

end function

private function win32ver() as long

dim oosv as osversioninfo

oosv.osvsize = len(oosv)

if getversionex(oosv) = 1 then

if (oosv.platformid = ver_platform_win32_nt and oosv.dwvermajor = 5 and oosv.dwverminor = 1) then

win32ver = winxp

end if

end if

end function



VB 讓外部程式在VB程式的窗體裡面執行

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