第一步:在aaa.cpp中新增以下**#include "comcat.h"
#include "strsafe.h"
#include "objsafe.h"
//注意這個地方的值取自aaactrl.cpp的implement_olecreate_ex 函式中
const catid clsid_safeitem =
hresult createcomponentcategory(catid catid, wchar *catdescription)
// key is registered.
categoryinfo catinfo;
catinfo.catid = catid;
catinfo.lcid = 0x0409 ; // english
size_t len;
// make sure the provided description is not too long.
// only copy the first 127 characters if it is.
// the second parameter of stringcchlength is the maximum
// number of characters that may be read into catdescription.
// there must be room for a null-terminator. the third parameter
// contains the number of characters excluding the null-terminator.
hr = stringcchlength((const char*)catdescription, strsafe_max_cch, &len);
if (succeeded(hr))
// the second parameter of stringcchcopy is 128 because you need
// room for a null-terminator.
hr = stringcchcopy((char*)catinfo.szdescription, len + 1, (const char*)catdescription);
// make sure the description is null terminated.
catinfo.szdescription[len + 1] = '/0';
hr = pcr->registercategories(1, &catinfo);
return hr;
hresult registerclsidincategory(refclsid clsid, catid catid)
if (pcr != null)
return hr;
hresult unregisterclsidincategory(refclsid clsid, catid catid)
if (pcr != null)
return hr;
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