
2021-04-13 07:07:38 字數 1619 閱讀 4365


vs2005.net編寫,網上找了找,見別人寫得挺複雜,自己寫了乙個. 附件居然不能上傳.就把**發到下面吧,


public class form1

dim sx

dim sy

dim sizeadj as boolean

private sub picturebox1_mousedown(byval sender as object, byval e as system.windows.forms.mouseeventargs) handles picturebox1.mousedown

sx = e.x

sy = e.y

end sub

private sub picturebox1_mousemove(byval sender as object, byval e as system.windows.forms.mouseeventargs) handles picturebox1.mousemove

if (e.x > picturebox1.width - 8 and e.y > picturebox1.height - 8) or sizeadj = true then

picturebox1.cursor = cursors.sizenwse

if e.button = windows.forms.mousebuttons.left then

sizeadj = true

picturebox1.width = sx + (e.x - sx)

picturebox1.height = sy + (e.y - sy)

end if


if e.button = windows.forms.mousebuttons.left then

picturebox1.left = picturebox1.left + (e.x - sx)

picturebox1.top = picturebox1.top + (e.y - sy)

end if

picturebox1.cursor = cursors.default

end if

end sub

private sub picturebox1_click(byval sender as system.object, byval e as system.eventargs) handles picturebox1.click

end sub

private sub picturebox1_mouseup(byval sender as object, byval e as system.windows.forms.mouseeventargs) handles picturebox1.mouseup

sizeadj = false

end sub

end class


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