SQL面試題 (二)

2021-04-13 06:51:43 字數 1718 閱讀 5077

sql面試題 (二)


1. .找到每個部門工資最高的人(包括並列第一)

2. 找到每個部門工資最高的人(只選乙個)


declare @g table(id int,groups nvarchar(20),salary money)

insert into @g

select 1,1,1000

union all select 2,1,1000

union all select 3,1,800

union all select 4,2,2000

-- 1

select *

from @g g

where not exists(select 1 from @g where groups=g.groups and salary>g.salary)

select g.*

from @g g

inner join


select groups,max(salary) as salary

from @g

group by groups


on      g.groups=t.groups

and     g.salary=t.salary

-- 2

select min(g.id),g.groups,g.salary

from @g g

inner join


select groups,max(salary) as salary

from @g

group by groups


on      g.groups=t.groups

and     g.salary=t.salary

group by g.groups,g.salary



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