
2021-04-13 00:23:57 字數 1436 閱讀 3260

option explicit

private const bif_returnonlyfsdirs = 1

private const bif_dontgobelowdomain = 2

private const max_path = 260

private declare function shbrowseforfolder lib "shell32" _

(lpbi as browseinfo) as long

private declare function shgetpathfromidlist lib "shell32" _

(byval pidlist as long, _

byval lpbuffer as string) as long

private declare function lstrcat lib "kernel32" alias "lstrcata" _

(byval lpstring1 as string, byval _

lpstring2 as string) as long

private type browseinfo

hwndowner as long

pidlroot as long

pszdisplayname as long

lpsztitle as long

ulflags  as long

lpfncallback   as long

lparam   as long

iimage   as long

end type

private sub command1_click()

dim lpidlist as long

dim sbuffer as string

dim sztitle as string

dim tbrowseinfo as browseinfo

sztitle = "this is the title"

with tbrowseinfo

.hwndowner = me.hwnd

.lpsztitle = lstrcat(sztitle, "")

.ulflags = bif_returnonlyfsdirs + bif_dontgobelowdomain

end with

lpidlist = shbrowseforfolder(tbrowseinfo)

if (lpidlist) then

sbuffer = space(max_path)

shgetpathfromidlist lpidlist, sbuffer

sbuffer = left(sbuffer, instr(sbuffer, vbnullchar) - 1)

msgbox sbuffer

end if

end sub

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1.browseinfo visual c vc 中,browseinfo 結構中包含有使用者選中目錄的重要資訊。1 browseinfo結構 定義typedef struct browseinfo browseinfo,pbrowseinfo,lpbrowseinfo 成員變數 hwndowner...