
2021-04-12 14:22:43 字數 603 閱讀 3721

select fmonth,sum(decode(factionid,1,fcount,0)) as factionid1,sum(decode(factionid,2,fcount,0)) as factionid2 from

(select fmonth,factionid,count(*) as fcount from

(select a.*,to_char(ftime,'yyyymm') as fmonth from **_dzuserinfo_log a,

(select fmobile,to_char(ftime,'yyyymm') as fmonth,max(ftime) as flasttime from **_dzuserinfo_log

group by fmobile,to_char(ftime,'yyyymm')

) bwhere a.fmobile = b.fmobile and to_char(a.ftime,'yyyymm')=b.fmonth and a.ftime=b.flasttime

)group by factionid,fmonth

order by fmonth,factionid

)group by fmonth


首先介紹行轉換為列,oracle行轉換為列是比較常見,網上常見的例子如下 grades表 student subject grade student1 語文 80 student1 數學 70 student1 英語 60 student2 語文 90 student2 數學 80 student2...


首先介紹行轉換為列,oracle行轉換為列是比較常見,網上常見的例子如下 grades表 student subject grade student1 語文 80 student1 數學 70 student1 英語 60 student2 語文 90 student2 數學 80 student2...


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oracle 一行列轉換問題

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