使用C 編寫LED樣式時鐘控制項

2021-04-07 05:56:37 字數 3371 閱讀 7773




// -------------------- 未經書面許可,請勿用於商業用途 ---------------------//

using system;

namespace brawdraw.com.photoframe.net.publicfunctions.clock



public system.windows.forms.timer timer

set }}

public bool istimerenable



}this._istimerenable = value;}}

public void start()

public void stop()

public system.datetime datetime



public system.drawing.color clockcolor


}public sevensegmentclockstyle sevensegmentclockstyle


}public sevensegmentclock()


private void init()

void timerontick(object obj, eventargs ea)

}protected override void onpaint(painteventargs e)

public bitmap drawclock()

private void sevensegmentclock_resize(object sender, system.eventargs e)

private void initializecomponent()

int _clockstringwidth;

int _clockstringheight;

public int clockstringwidth

}public int clockstringheight


public bitmap drawclock(rectangle destrect)

else if(this._clockstyle == sevensegmentclockstyle.dateonly)


sizef  sizef   = ssd.measurestring(strtime, font);

float  fscale  = math.min(destrect.width  / sizef.width, destrect.height / sizef.height);

font   font    = new font(font.fontfamily, fscale * font.sizeinpoints);

sizef = ssd.measurestring(strtime, font);

_clockstringwidth = (int)sizef.width;

_clockstringheight = (int)sizef.height;

namespace brawdraw.com.photoframe.net.publicfunctions.clock

,       // 0

,       // 1

,       // 2

,       // 3

,       // 4

,       // 5

,       // 6

,       // 7

,       // 8

// 9

};// points that define each of the seven segments

readonly point apt = new point[7];

public bool isdrawshadow


}public sevensegmentdisplay(graphics grfx)

;apt[1] = new point ;

apt[2] = new point ;

apt[3] = new point ;

apt[4] = new point ;

apt[5] = new point ;

apt[6] = new point ;

}public sizef measurestring(string str, font font)

else if (str[i] == '-')

else if (str[i] == ':')

else if (str[i] == ' ')

}return sizef;

}public void drawstring(string str, font font, brush brush, float x, float y)

else if (str[i] == '-')

else if (str[i] == ':')

else if (str[i] == ' ')}}

private float number(int num, font font, brush brush, float x, float y)

if (bysegment[num, i] == 1)

}return x + 42 * grfx.dpix * font.sizeinpoints / 72 / 72;

}private float minussign(font font, brush brush, float x, float y)

private float drawspace(font font, brush brush, float x, float y)

private float colon(font font, brush brush, float x, float y)

;apt[1] = new point ;

for (int i = 0; i < apt.length; i++)

return x + 20 * grfx.dpix * font.sizeinpoints / 72 / 72;

}private void fill(point apt, font font, brush brush, float x, float y)

grfx.fillpolygon(brush, aptf);}}


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