字串及處理之六 轉換例項

2021-04-06 16:46:16 字數 1838 閱讀 3009


bstr      bstr= null;

cstring   cstr;

string    stlstr;

_bstr_t   bs1;

bstr = sysallocstring ( l"hi bob!" );

if ( null == bstr )

// out of memory error

// use bstr here...

sysfreestring ( bstr ); 

// extracting data

lpcstr psz1 = bs1;              // automatically converts to mbcs string

lpcstr psz2 = (lpcstr) bs1;     // cast ok, same as previous line

lpcwstr pwsz1 = bs1;            // returns the internal unicode string

lpcwstr pwsz2 = (lpcwstr) bs1;  // cast ok, same as previous line

bstr    bstr = bs1.copy();      // copies bs1, returns it as a bstr

sysfreestring ( bstr );          

lpcstr psz = str.c_str();    // read-only pointer to str''s buffer

lpcwstr pwsz = wstr.c_str(); // read-only pointer to wstr''s buffer

lpctstr ptsz = tstr.c_str(); // read-only pointer to tstr''s buffer

// example, construct _bstr_t from basic_string

_bstr_t bs1 = str.c_str();  // construct a _bstr_t from a lpcstr

_bstr_t bs2 = wstr.c_str(); // construct a _bstr_t from a lpcwstr     

bstr bstr1 = bs1;        // returns internal bstr, but don''t modify it!

bstr bstr2 = (bstr) bs1; // cast ok, same as previous line

bstr bstr3 = bs1.copy(); // copies bs1, returns it as a bstr

bstr bstr4;

bstr4 = bs1.detach();  // bs1 no longer manages its bstr

// ...

sysfreestring ( bstr3 );

sysfreestring ( bstr4 );     

cstring s5 ( (lpctstr) ids_some_str );  // load from string table

// converting to bstr

cstring s5 = "bob!";

bstr bs1 = null, bs2 = null;

bs1 = s5.allocsysstring();

s5.setsysstring ( &bs2 );

sysfreestring ( bs1 );

sysfreestring ( bs2 );     

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