U boot終於在ram中起來了,串列埠有輸出了

2021-04-02 22:54:10 字數 1731 閱讀 9411

折騰了3個晚上,今天21:58 u-boot終於在我的開發板上跑起來了。

最開始用的1.1.4版本,自己修改了程式,編譯了s3c2410的u-boot.bin,但是不管是在ram中還是在flash中都不能執行。後經高人指點,u-boot好像不支援nand flash啟動,我的板子是samsung k9f120800b 64m nand flash,需要在u-boot的前4k位元組編寫將u-boot拷貝到ram中的程式,所以我想先從ram中把u-boot跑起來,這樣也編譯除錯,畢竟通過usb寫ram比寫flash要快。

發現1.1.0的makefile和1.1.4版本有很大不同,並且在1.1.4原始碼樹中把s3c2410作為arm920t cpu的一種soc。



/** if we are developing, we might want to start armboot from ram

* so we must not initialize critical regs like mem-timing ...

*/#define config_init_critical          /* undef for developing */

於是注釋掉了這個巨集定義,不去做initialize critical regs,編譯,在ram中執行,串列埠打出:

u-boot 1.1.3 (mar  9 2006 - 20:22:29)

u-boot code: 33f80000 -> 33f965b0  bss: -> 33f9a898

ram configuration:

bank #0: 30000000 64 mb

flash: 512 kb

*** warning - bad crc, using default environment

in:    serial

out:   serial

err:   serial

**dk2410 # version

u-boot 1.1.3 (mar  9 2006 - 20:22:29)

**dk2410 #

狂喜! ^_^

btw:之前一定是在設定mem clock之類的地方出錯了,導致u-boot沒有輸出。

u-boot 1.1.3 readme中對skip low level init的描述:

- config_skip_lowlevel_init

- config_skip_relocate_uboot

[arm only] if these variables are defined, then

certain low level initializations (like setting up

the memory controller) are omitted and/or u-boot does

not relocate itself into ram.

normally these variables must not be defined. the

only exception is when u-boot is loaded (to ram) by

some other boot loader or by a debugger which

performs these intializations itself.


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