public class webform1 :
} #endregion
#region writeweatherinfo 顯示處理後的資訊
private void writeweatherinfo(string city)
;wall = wea.split(seperator);
l_city.text = "[城市]:" + city;//城市
l_wea.text = "[天氣]:" + weather1;//天氣
l_sky.text = "[溫度]:" + weather2;//溫度
l_date.text = wall[0];//日期
l_w1.text = wall[1];//風向
l_w2.text = wall[2];//風力
l_w3.text = wall[3]; //空氣質素
l_w4.text = wall[4]; //紫外線強度
#region writeweather 直接顯示讀取到的資訊
private void writeweather(string city)
#region button1_click
private void button1_click(object sender, system.eventargs e)
#region web form designer generated code
override protected void oninit(eventargs e)
/// required method for designer support - do not modify
/// the contents of this method with the code editor.
private void initializecomponent()
c 使用WebRequest實現多檔案上傳
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