乙個簡單的加密 解密方法

2021-03-31 18:49:12 字數 2358 閱讀 8008

private function encryptstring(strstring)

dim charhexset, intstringlen, strtemp, strraw, i, intkey, intoffset

randomize timer

intkey = round((rnd * 1000000) + 1000000) '##### key bitsize

intoffset = round((rnd * 1000000) + 1000000) '##### keyoffset bitsize

if isnull(strstring) = false then

strraw = strstring

intstringlen = len(strraw)

for i = 0 to intstringlen - 1

strtemp = left(strraw, 1)

strraw = right(strraw, len(strraw) - 1)

charhexset = charhexset & hex(asc(strtemp) * intkey)& hex(intkey)


encryptstring = charhexset & "|" & hex(intoffset + intkey) & "|" & hex(intoffset)


encryptstring = ""

end if

end function

private function decryptstring(strcryptstring)

dim strraw, arhexcharset, i, intkey, intoffset, strrawkey, strhexcrypdata

strrawkey = right(strcryptstring, len(strcryptstring) - instr(strcryptstring, "|"))

intoffset = right(strrawkey, len(strrawkey) - instr(strrawkey,"|"))

intkey = hexconv(left(strrawkey, instr(strrawkey, "|") - 1)) - hexconv(intoffset)

strhexcrypdata = left(strcryptstring, len(strcryptstring) - (len(strrawkey) + 1))

arhexcharset = split(strhexcrypdata, hex(intkey))

for i=0 to ubound(arhexcharset)

strraw = strraw & chr(hexconv(arhexcharset(i))/intkey)


decryptstring = strraw

end function

private function hexconv(hexvar)

dim hxx, hxx_var, multiply

if hexvar <> "" then

hexvar = ucase(hexvar)

hexvar = strreverse(hexvar)

dim hx()

redim hx(len(hexvar))

hxx = 0

hxx_var = 0

for hxx = 1 to len(hexvar)

if multiply = "" then multiply = 1

hx(hxx) = mid(hexvar,hxx,1)

hxx_var = (get_hxno(hx(hxx)) * multiply) + hxx_var

multiply = (multiply * 16)


hexvar = hxx_var

hexconv = hexvar

end if

end function

private function get_hxno(ghx)

if ghx = "a" then

ghx = 10

elseif ghx = "b" then

ghx = 11

elseif ghx = "c" then

ghx = 12

elseif ghx = "d" then

ghx = 13

elseif ghx = "e" then

ghx = 14

elseif ghx = "f" then

ghx = 15

end if

get_hxno = ghx

end function


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