update a.a3 = a.a3+b.b3 的問題
表a 結構 : a1 , a2 ,a3
表b 結構: b1, b2, b3
其中 a1 ,b1 為pk ,切值相同 就是可以使用a1 = b1 了.
請問用sql 語句或過程該如何實現如下的功能???
更新a 表的 a3 ,用a.a3 與b.b3之和更新.
3>update a
set a3 = (select a.a3 + b.b3 from b where a.a1 = b.b1) ;
7>update (select a1,a3,b1,b3 from a,b where a1=b1) set a3=a3+b3
開執行計畫, 談論效率是沒有太多的意義的^_^..
三樓的寫法會更新所有記錄, 而7樓的寫法只修改兩者相交的相關記錄資訊.
7樓的寫法可以更加容易的控制這條update語句的執行計畫, 不過要求b表必須在對應的字段上有主鍵索引:) , 在b表在對應欄位上有主鍵索引的時候, 建議使用7樓的寫法.
update a
set a3=(select a3+b3 from b where a1=b1)
where a1=(select b1 from b where a1=b1)
update con_eme_on20050309 a set a.con_price=(select a.con_price+(b.annuity-a.annuity)+(b.nojob-a.nojob)+(b.medicare-a.medicare)+(b.birthfee-a.birthfee)+(b.bruisefee-a.bruisefee) from con_eme_on200404 b where a.emp_cod=b.emp_cod and a.if_act='1' and a.emp_base!=b.emp_base),a.emp_base=(select b.emp_base from con_eme_on200404 b where a.emp_cod=b.emp_cod and a.if_act='1' and a.emp_base!=b.emp_base),a.annuity=(select b.annuity from con_eme_on200404 b where a.emp_cod=b.emp_cod and a.if_act='1' and a.emp_base!=b.emp_base),a.nojob=(select b.nojob from con_eme_on200404 b where a.emp_cod=b.emp_cod and a.if_act='1' and a.emp_base!=b.emp_base),a.medicare=(select b.medicare from con_eme_on200404 b where a.emp_cod=b.emp_cod and a.if_act='1' and a.emp_base!=b.emp_base),a.birthfee=(select b.birthfee from con_eme_on200404 b where a.emp_cod=b.emp_cod and a.if_act='1' and a.emp_base!=b.emp_base),a.bruisefee=(select b.bruisefee from con_eme_on200404 b where a.emp_cod=b.emp_cod and a.if_act='1' and a.emp_base!=b.emp_base),a.nojobbase=(select b.nojobbase from con_eme_on200404 b where a.emp_cod=b.emp_cod and a.if_act='1' and a.emp_base!=b.emp_base),a.mediabase=(select b.mediabase from con_eme_on200404 b where a.emp_cod=b.emp_cod and a.if_act='1' and a.emp_base!=b.emp_base),a.birthbase=(select b.birthbase from con_eme_on200404 b where a.emp_cod=b.emp_cod and a.if_act='1' and a.emp_base!=b.emp_base),a.bruisebase=(select b.bruisebase from con_eme_on200404 b where a.emp_cod=b.emp_cod and a.if_act='1' and a.emp_base!=b.emp_base)
where a.emp_cod in(select b.emp_cod from con_eme_on200404 b where a.emp_cod=b.emp_cod and a.if_act='1' and a.emp_base!=b.emp_base)
update con_eme_on20050309 a set a.con_price=(select a.con_price+(b.accumulation-a.accumulation) from con_eme_on200404 b where a.emp_cod=b.emp_cod and a.if_act='1' and a.emp_base!=b.emp_base),a.accumulation=(select b.accumulation from con_eme_on200404 b where a.emp_cod=b.emp_cod and a.if_act='1' and a.emp_base!=b.emp_base),a.accumulationbase=(select b.accumulationbase from con_eme_on200404 b where a.emp_cod=b.emp_cod and a.if_act='1' and a.emp_base!=b.emp_base),a.accumulationbase1=(select b.accumulationbase1 from con_eme_on200404 b where a.emp_cod=b.emp_cod and a.if_act='1' and a.emp_base!=b.emp_base)
where a.emp_cod in(select b.emp_cod from con_eme_on200404 b where a.emp_cod=b.emp_cod and a.if_act='1' and a.emp_base!=b.emp_base)
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