rem 在asp中實現加密與解密,加密方法:根據rsa
rem 聯絡:hnsoso@sina.***
class clsrsa
public privatekey
public publickey
public modulus
public function crypt(plngmessage, plngkey)
on error resume next
dim llngmod
dim llngresult
dim llngindex
if plngkey mod 2 = 0 then
llngresult = 1
for llngindex = 1 to plngkey / 2
llngmod = (plngmessage ^ 2) mod modulus
' mod may error on key generation
llngresult = (llngmod * llngresult) mod modulus
if err then exit function
llngresult = plngmessage
for llngindex = 1 to plngkey / 2
llngmod = (plngmessage ^ 2) mod modulus
on error resume next
' mod may error on key generation
llngresult = (llngmod * llngresult) mod modulus
if err then exit function
end if
crypt = llngresult
end function
public function encode(byval pstrmessage)
dim llngindex
dim llngmaxindex
dim lbytascii
dim llngencrypted
llngmaxindex = len(pstrmessage)
if llngmaxindex = 0 then exit function
for llngindex = 1 to llngmaxindex
lbytascii = asc(mid(pstrmessage, llngindex, 1))
llngencrypted = crypt(lbytascii, publickey)
encode = encode & numbertohex(llngencrypted, 4)
end function
public function decode(byval pstrmessage)
dim lbytascii
dim llngindex
dim llngmaxindex
dim llngencrypteddata
decode = ""
llngmaxindex = len(pstrmessage)
for llngindex = 1 to llngmaxindex step 4
llngencrypteddata = hextonumber(mid(pstrmessage, llngindex, 4))
lbytascii = crypt(llngencrypteddata, privatekey)
decode = decode & chr(lbytascii)
end function
private function numbertohex(byref plngnumber, byref plnglength)
numbertohex = right(string(plnglength, "0") & hex(plngnumber), plnglength)
end function
private function hextonumber(byref pstrhex)
hextonumber = clng("&h" & pstrhex)
end function
end class
function encryptstr(message)
dim lngkeye
dim lngkeyd
dim lngkeyn
dim strmessage
dim objrsa
lngkeye = "32823"
lngkeyd = "20643"
lngkeyn = "29893"
strmessage = message
set objrsa = new clsrsa
objrsa.publickey = lngkeye
objrsa.modulus = lngkeyn
encryptstr = objrsa.encode(strmessage)
set objrsa = nothing
end function
function decryptstr(message)
dim lngkeye
dim lngkeyd
dim lngkeyn
dim strmessage
dim objrsa
lngkeye = "32823"
lngkeyd = "20643"
lngkeyn = "29893"
strmessage = message
set objrsa = new clsrsa
objrsa.privatekey =lngkeyd
set objrsa = nothing
end function
dim last,first
response.write "加密前為:"&first
response.write "加密後為"&last
response.write "解密後為" &decryptstr(last)
rsa.asp rem 在asp中實現加密與解密,加密方法根據rsa rem 聯絡hnsoso sina.com class clsrsa public privatekey public publickey public modulus public function crypt plngmess...
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