
2022-10-06 02:00:08 字數 2453 閱讀 8048


複製** **如下:

mysql> select id,name,birth from student;


複製** **如下:

mysql> select * from student;


複製** **如下:

mysql> select * from student where id=901;

mysql> select * from student where id>=904;

mysql> select name from student where department='計算機系';


複製** **如下:

mysql> select * from student where birth in(1988,1990);

mysql> select * from student where id in(903,906);

not in非範圍查詢

複製** **如下:

mysql> select * from student where birth not in(1990,1998);

between and指定範圍查詢

複製** **如下:

mysql> select * from student where birth between 1986 and 1988;

not between and不在指定範圍的查詢

複製** 代程式設計客棧碼如下:

mysql> select * from student where id not between 904 and 906;


複製** **如下:

mysql> select * from student where name like '_三';

mysql> select * from student where name like '張三';

mysql> select * from student where name like '張%';

not like不匹配查詢

複製** **如下:

mysql> select * from student where name not like '張%';


複製** **如下:> select * from student where address is null;


複製** **如下:

mysql> select * from student where name like '張%' and birth>1985;

mysql> selegttrsysuict * from student where name like '張%' and birth>1985 and id like '%3';


複製** **如下:

mysql> se程式設計客棧lect * from student where id=905 or birth=1988;

mysql> select * from student where id=905 or birth=1988 or ***='女';


複製** **如下:

mysql> select distinct *** from student;

mysql> select distinct department from student;

order by查詢結果排序

複製** **如下:

mysql> select * from student order by birth;

mysql>trsysuigt; select * from student order by birth asc;

mysql> select * from student order by birth desc;

group by分組查詢

複製** **如下:

mysql> select ***,group_concat(name) from student group by ***;

mysql> select ***,count(name) from student group by ***;


複製** **如下:

mysql> select * from student where birth regexp '1988|1990';


複製** **如下:

mysql> select * from student limit 2;

mysql> select * from student limit 1,3;

本文標題: mysql筆記之基本查詢的應用詳解



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