複製** **如下:
# way1
class directions:
up = 0
down = 1
left = 2
right =3
print directwww.cppcns.comions.dow程式設計客棧n
# way2
dirup, dirdown, dirleft, dirright = range(4)
print dirdown
# way3
import collections
dircoll=collections.namedtuple('directions', ('up', 'down', 'left', 'right'))
print directions.down
# way4
def enum(args, start=0):
class enum(object):
__slots__ = args.split()
def __init__(self):
for i, key in enumerate(enum.__slots__, start):
www.cppcns.com setattr(self, key, i)
www.cppcns.com; return enum()
e_dir = enum('up down left right')
print e_dir.down
# way5
# some times we need use enum value as string
directions =
print direct程式設計客棧ions['down']
本文標題: python中模擬enum列舉型別的5種方法分享
python中沒有enum列舉型別,可能python認為這玩意壓根就沒用,下面列舉了三種方法模擬enum列舉型別 方法1.使用自定義類 class numbers object one 1 two 2 th 3 assert numbers.one 1 assert numbers.two 2 as...
python的列舉類 Enum
列舉 from enum import enum,unique 1 預設列舉類 month enum month jan feb mar for name,member in month.members items print name,member,member.value value屬性是自動賦...
Python列舉類(Enum 學習
an enumeration is a set of symbolic names members bound to unique,constant values.within an enumeration,the members can be compared by identity,and th...