
2022-10-03 15:45:09 字數 2794 閱讀 4247

1. 首先安裝python,目前用的是3.8版本

2. 自帶乙個pip 包管理器(我記得版本好像是10+)

3. spyder 可以用pip 直接安裝 (前輩說這樣安裝包的時候好管理,我初學還體會不到)

4. 安裝spyder的過程中報錯了。。。

5. 網上搜尋了很多,都是在說 重新安裝 microsoft visual 以及有熱心網友提供了只安裝編譯版本的鏈結。

6. 我的心路歷程是 網上搜,然後再看具體報錯。 但是我忽略了乙個細節,就是有個warning 讓我更新 pip。

7. 正好問了個前輩,前輩都沒遇到過這個錯誤。但是她解決問題的思路給我震撼到了。直接更新pip,通過 pip install -u pie ,然後又報warning

warning: retrying (retry(total=4, connect=none, read=none, redirect=none, status=none)) after connection broken by 'proxyerror('cannot connect to proxy.', connectionreseterror(10054, 'an existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host', none, 10054, none))': /******/pip/

warning: retrying (retry(total=3, connect=none, read=none, redirect=none, status=none)) after connection broken by 'proxyerror('cannot connect to proxy.', connectionreseterror(10054, 'an existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host', none, 10054, none))': /******/pip/

warning: retrying (retry(total=2, connect=none, read=none, redirect=none, status=none)) after connection broken by 'proxyerror('cannot connect to proxy.', connectionreseterror(10054, 'an existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host', none, 10054, none))': /******/pip/

warning: retrying (retry(total=1, connect=none, read=none, redirect=none, status=none)) after connection broken by 'proxyerror('cannot connect to proxy.', connectionreseterror(10054, 'an existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host', none, 10054, none))': /******/pip/

warning: retrying (retry(total=0, connect=none, read=none, redirect=none, status=none)) after connection broken by 'proxyerror('cannot connect to proxy.', connectionreseterror(10054, 'an existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host', none, 10054, none))': /******/pip/

於是設定公司內部**,proxy 設定裡已經設定了,不生效,於是 通過命令列設定  set http_proxy=xx.xx.xx.xx:xx;終於把pip更新成功了。

然後繼續安裝  pip install spyder  成功。

結果不重要,重要的是這個過程學到了什麼。 我學到了 淵博,淡定,從容。其實任何事都應該這樣解決不是嘛; 曾幾何時,有句話叫 猝然臨之而不懼,無故加之而不怒。



遇到安裝 spyder 的時候 microsoft visual c++ 版本需要公升級的時候。

1. 更新pip  ----- pip install --upgrate pie

2. 遇到安裝或者更新的時候報 retrying的時候 設定下**,   一般是 set http_proxy='xx.xx.xx.xx:xx' 或者是 到管理員命令列執行

3. 然後重新安裝 spyder 就成功了。


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