在應用中,有時候會 依賴第三方模組執行方法,比如呼叫某模組的上傳**,資料庫查詢等操作的時候,如果出現網路問題或其他問題,可能有超時重新請求的情況;
1. 訊號量,但不支援window;
2.多執行緒,但是 如果是大量的資料重複操作嘗試,會出現執行緒管理混亂,開啟上萬個執行緒的問題;
3.結合採用 eventlet 和 retrying模組 (eventlet 原理尚需深入研究)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import random
import time
import eventlet
from retrying import retry
class retrytimeoutexception(exception):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
def retry_if_timeout(exception):
"""return true if we should retry (in this case when it's an ioerror), false otherw程式設計客棧ise"""
return isinstance(exception, retrytimeoutexception)
def retry_fun(retries=3, timeout_second=2):
"""will retry $ times when process time beyond $ ;
:param retries: the retry times
:param timeout_second: the max process time
"""def retry_decor(func):
@retry(stop_max_attempt_number=retries, retry_on_exception=retry_if_tivoqkohmeout)
def decor(*args, **kwargs):
print("in retry method..")
pass_flag = false
with eventlet.timeout(timeout_second, false):
r = func(*args, **kwargs)
pass_flag = true
print("success after method.")
if not pass_flag:
raise retrytimeoutexception("time out..")
print("exit from retry.")
return r
return decor
return retry_decor
def do_request():
print("begin request...")
sleep_time = random.randint(1, 4)
print("request sleep time: %s." www.cppcns.com% sleep_time)
print("end request...")
return true
def retry_request():
r = do_request()
if __name__ == '__main__':
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