cars = 100
spacauqvgykce_in_a_car = 4.0
drivers = 30
passengers = 90
cars_not_driven = cars - drivers
cars_driven = drivers
carpool_capacity = cars_driven * space_in_a_car
**erage_passengers_per_ = passengers / cars_driven
print "there are", cars, "cars **ailable."
print "there are only", drivers, "drivers **ailable."
print "there will be", cars_not_driven, "empty cars today."
print "we can transport", carpool_capacity, "people today."
printwww.cppcns.com "we h**e", passengers, "to carpool today."
print "we need to put about", **erage_passengers_per_car, "in each car."
root@he-desktop:~/mystuff# python ex4.py
there are 100 cars **ailable.
there are only 30 drivers **ailable.
there will be 70 empty cars today.
we can transport 120.0 people today.
we h**e 90 to carpool today.
we need to put about 3 in each car.
# -- coding: utf-8 --
my_name = 'zed a. shaw'
my_age = 35 # 沒撒謊哦
my_height = 74 # 英吋
my_weight = 180 # 磅
my_eyes = 'blue'
my_teeth = 'white'
my_hair = 'brown'
print "let's talk about %s." % my_name
print "he's %d inches tall." % my_height
print "he's %d pounds he**y." % my_weight
print "actually that's not too he**y."
print "he's got %s eyes and %s hair." % (my_eyes, my_hair)
print "his teeth are usually %s depending on the coffee." % mywww.cppcns.com_teeth
# 下面這行比較複雜,嘗試寫對它。
print "if i add %d, %d, and %d i get %d." % (
my_age, my_height, my_weight, my_age + my_height + my_weight)
root@he-desktop:~/mystuff# python ex5.py
let's talk about zed a. shaw.
he's 74 inches tall.
he's 180 pounds he**y.
actually that's not too he**y.
he's got blue eyes and brown hair.
his teeth are usually white depending on the coffee.
if i add 35, 74, and 180 i get 289.
本文標題: 詳解python中的變數及其命名和列印
本文位址: /jiaoben/python/144611.html
詳解 Python 中的變數
目錄 1.1 注釋 1.2 變數命名 1.3 變數賦值 1.4 同步賦值 在 python 中,使 標記注釋。注釋不會被 python 直譯器執 注釋是開發 員 來提醒 或他 程式如何 作的重要 段,注釋還會 在 檔的寫作中。display hello world print hello world...
無論使用什麼語言程式設計,總要處理資料,處理資料就需要使用變數來儲存資料。形象地看,變數就像乙個個小容器,用於 盛裝 程式中的資料。常量同樣也用於 盛裝 程式中的資料。常量與變數的區別是 常量一旦儲存某個資料之後,該資料就不能發生改變 但變數儲存的資料則可以多次發生改變,只要程式對變數重新賦值即可。...
1 變數賦值 python中的變數不需要宣告,變數的賦值操作既是變數宣告和定義的過程。每個變數在記憶體中建立,都包括變數的標識,名稱和資料這些資訊。每個變數在使用前都必須賦值,變數賦值以後該變數才會被建立。2 多個變數賦值 python允許你同時為多個變數賦值。例如 a b c 1 以上例項,建立乙...