
2022-09-24 23:03:19 字數 1619 閱讀 2751



注意,分組函式 group by。如果要對 分組後 的資料進行篩選,那麼必須使用 h**ing 關鍵字,條件寫在 h**ing 後面;

create table `city` (

`id` int auto_increment primary key comment '主鍵',

`city_name` varwww.cppcns.comchar(100) comment '城市名',

`city_year` varchar(4) comment '年份,yyyy',

`city_gdp` double comment '當前年份,城市一整年的gdp,單位億元',

`city_population` double comment '當前年豐,城市的總人口,單位萬人'


insert into city values(1,'上海',2018,32679,2418);

insert into city values(2,'北京',2018,30320,2171);

insert into city values(3,'深圳',2018,24691,1253);

insert into city values(4,'廣州',2018,23000,1450);

insert into city values(5,'重慶',2018,20363,3372);

insert into city values(6,'上海',2019,38155,2424);

insert into city values(7,'北京',2019,35371,2171);

insert into city values(8,'深圳',2019,26927,1302);

insert into citwww.cppcns.comy values(9,'廣州',2019,23628,1491);

insert into city values(10,'重慶',2019,23605,3372);


查詢計算2023年一共有多少個城市錄入資料(答案 5個)

select count(*) from city where city_year = '2019';

max查詢 2023年裡 gdp 最高是多少;

select max(city_gdp) from city where city_year = '2018';

min查詢 2023年裡 gdp 最低是多少;

selectovzfcr min(city_gdp) from city where city_year = '2018';

sum查詢2023年裡所有城市 gdp 總和;

select sum(city_gdp) from city where city_year = '2019';

**g查詢2023年所有城市 gdp 平均值;

select **g(city_gdp) from city where city_year = '2019';


mysql ddl 語句

mysql crud 語句

mysql 聚合函式

mysql 多表查詢



採取的第一種方式 記錄一下關於mysql的乙個報錯問題解決方案 in aggregated query without group by,expression 1 of select list contains nonaggregated column yunva changke.u.user id...


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