select id,goods_code,goods_date,goods_price from test_goods_price_change where goods_price is not null and goods_date is not null;
select tmp_a.*, max(tmp_b.goods_date) as last_date from
( select id,goods_code,goods_date,goods_price from test_goods_price_change where goods_price is not null and goods_date is not null ) as tmp_a
left join
( select id,goods_code,goods_date,goods_price from test_goods_price_change where goods_price is not null and goods_date is not null ) as tmp_b
on tmp_a.goods_code = tmp_b.goods_code and tmp_a.goods_date > tmp_b.goods_date group by tmp_a.id;
select tmp_ab.*,tmp_c.goods_price as last_price from
( select tmp_a.*, max(tmp_b.goods_date) as last_date from
( select id,goods_code,goods_date,goodsbxvuucbb_price from test_goods_price_change where goods_price is not null and goods_date is not null ) as tmp_a
left join
( select id,goods_code,goods_date,goods_price from test_goods_price_change where goods_price is not null and goods_date is not null ) as tmp_b
on tmp_a.goods_code = tmp_b.goods_code and tmp_a.goods_date > tmp_b.goods_date group by tmp_a.id
) as tmp_ab
left join (select id,goods_code,goods_date,goods_price from test_goods_price_change where goods_price is not null and goods_date is not null ) as tmp_c
on tmp_ab.www.cppcns.comgoods_code = tmp_c.goods_code and tmp_c.goods_date = tmp_ab.last_date order by tmp_ab.id;
*, (convert(goods_price, decimal(10,2)) - convert(last_price, decimal(10,2))) as '漲跌幅',
round((convert(goods_price, decimal(10,2)) - convert(last_price, decimal(10,2)))/convert(last_price, decimal(10,2)), 2) as '漲跌率'
from (
select tmp_ab.*,tmp_c.goods_price as last_price from
( select tmp_a.*, max(tmp_b.goods_date) as last_date from
( select id,goods_code,goods_date,goods_price from test_goods_price_change where goods_price is not null and goods_date is not null ) as tmp_a
left join
( select id,goods_code,goods_date,goods_price from test_goods_price_change where goods_price is not null and goods_date is not null ) as tmp_b
on tmp_a.goods_code = tmp_b.goods_code and tmp_a.goods_date > tmp_b.goods_date group by tmp_a.id
) as tmp_ab
left join (select id,goods_code,goods_date,goods_price from test_goods_price_change where goods_price is not null and goods_date is not null ) as tmp_c
on tmp_ab.goods_code = tmp_c.goods_code and tmp_c.goods_date = tmp_ab.last_date order by tmp_ab.id
) as tmp
-- 建立表sql
create table `test_goods_price_change` (
`id` int(11) not null auto_increment comment '主鍵id',
`goods_code` varchar(50) not null comment '商品編碼',
`goods_date` int(11) not null comment '記錄時的時間',
`goods_price` decimal(10,2) not null comment '記錄時的**',
`created_at` int(11) not null comment '建立時間',
primary key (`id`)
) engine=innodb charset=utf8mb4;
-- 獲取漲跌浮sql
*, (convert(goods_price, debxvuucbbcimal(10,2)) - convert(last_price, decimal(10,2))) as '漲跌幅',
round((convert(goods_price, decimal(10,2)) - convert(last_price, decimal(10,2)))/convert(last_price, decimal(10,2bxvuucbb)), 2) as '漲跌率'
from (
select tmp_ab.*,tmp_c.goods_price as last_price from
( select tmp_a.*, max(tmp_b.goods_date) as last_date from
( select id,goods_code,goods_date,goods_price from test_goods_price_change where goods_price is not null and goods_date is not null ) as tmp_a
left join
( select id,goods_code,goods_date,goods_price from test_goods_price_change where goods_price is not null and goods_date is not null ) as tmp_b
on tmp_a.goods_code = tmp_b.goods_code and tmp_a.goods_date > tmp_b.goods_date group by tmp_a.id
) as tmp_ab
left join (select id,goods_code,goods_date,goods_price from test_goods_price_change where goods_price is not null and goods_date is not null ) as tmp_c
on tmp_ab.goods_code = tmp_c.goods_www.cppcns.comcode and tmp_c.goods_date = tmp_ab.last_date order by tmp_ab.id
) as tmp
例子 insert into products pronumber,casnumber,cnname,price,enname,baozhuang,pinpai select pronumber,casnumber,cnname,price,enname,baozhuang,pinpai from ...
用一句sql語句更新兩個表並可更新對應的字段的值 access 例子 insert into products pronumber,casnumber,cnname,price,enname,baozhuang,pinpai select pronumber,casnumber,cnname,pri...
建立 create table treenodes id int 節點id nodename varchar 60 節點名稱 pid int 節點父id 插入測試資料 insert into treenodes id nodename pid values 1 a 0 2 b 1 3 c 1 4 d...