1、insert into stu values (內容,內容,內容);
2、insert into stu(欄位名,欄位名,欄位名) vaules(內容,內容,內容);
3、insert into stu(欄位名,欄位名,欄位名) values(內容,內容,內容),
selecct*from stu;
update stu 字段= '內容' , 字段 = '內容' where 唯一id = 內容;
delete from stu where 唯一id=內容;
(select count(1) from sheet t2 where t1.remark=t2.remark and t2.score
from sheet t1;
(((select count(1) from a a2 where a1.ipc=a2.ipc and a2.cishu
(select count(1) from a a2 where a1.ipc=a2.ipc and a2.cishu=a1.cishu)/2)/(select count(cishu) from a a2 where a1.ipc=a2.ipc)) count
from a a1;
select * from table_name limit 0,10
create table bbb1
select inventor,ipc,jishu,left(ipc,3) as ipc1 from bbb
create table mygoods1
select cat_id,group_concat(distinct price separator ';') from mygoods group by cat_id;
update bbb set ipc=replace(ipc,' ','')
create table `高校ipc大組統計`
delete from tb where `score` is null
delete from tb where `score` = 90
#方法一、去重 對name和type相同的數值去重,並篩選出id最小的一列
select id,name,type from sheet1
where id in(select min(id) from sheet1 group by name);
create table sheet3
select *,case type when '大型企業' then '4' when '中型企業' then '3'
when '中小型企業' then '2' when '小微型企業' then '1' else '0' end as type1 from sheet1;
create table sheet6
select name,type,source,max(type1) from sheet3 group by name;
#用max選擇最大的,建乙個虛擬表sheet4,然後再left outer join關聯其他字段,並將查詢的結果存放到sheet5中
create table sheet5
select sheet4.*,sheet3.type from
(select name,max(type1) as type2 from sheet3 group by name) as sheet4 left outer join
sheet3 on sheet4.name=sheet3.name and sheet4.type2=sheet3.type1;
select mygoods1.* from mygoods mygoods1 where
(select count(*) from mygoods where cat_id=mygoods1.cat_id and price> mygoods1.price)< 3
order by mygoods1.cat_id,mygoods1.price desc;
select cat_id,group_concat(distinct price separator ';') from mygoods group by cat_id;
select cat_id,group_concat(price order by price desc) from mygoods group by cat_id;
update id17 set inventor = concat(id,inventor)
update id17 set inventor = replace(inventor,',',concat(',',id))
select * from mygoods where goods_id not in (select goods_id from mygoods2);
select * from companyname where usedname is not null;
select * from table where usedname <> "";
select * from table where usedname != "";
select * from table where id ="";
select * from table where isnull(id);
select * from `企業指標_標準化名稱_20190703` where tech_name is not null limit 10
update 表 set 列名 =replace(列名,' ','')
update 表名 set name=left(name,char_length(name)-1) where right(name,1)=','
select ifnull(列名,0) from 表名
select if(資料2,資料2,0) from test
select a.* from 表名 a where code = (select code from 表名 where count = a.count limit 1) order by a.count
select a.* from tb a where val = (select max(val) from tb where name = a.name) order by a.name
select a.* from tb a where val = (select min(val) from tb where name = a.name) order by a.name
select a.* from tb a where val = (select val from tb where name = a.name limit 1) order by a.name
mysql 公式 MySQL常見公式彙總1
篩選每組比自己小的數量個數 select t1.company,t1.remark,t1.score,select count 1 from sheet t2 where t1.remark t2.remark and t2.score from sheet t1 分組統計比自身小的個數 selec...
目錄 1.條件判斷 2.擷取字串 midsumif sumproduct 3.排名 rank函式排名 sumproduct sumproduct函式排名 4.excel同一單元格內的數字各個位數累加求和 5.excel 判斷字元最後乙個字,並按條件處理 if函式和and or函式的組合多條件判斷技巧...
本文總結了mysql的常用命令,系統管理 連線mysql 格式 mysql h 主機位址 u使用者名稱 p使用者密碼 例 1 連線到本機上的 mysql。hadoop ubuntu mysql uroot pmysql 例 2 連線到遠端主機上的 mysql。hadoop ubuntu mysql ...