update blog
where views=#
listgetblogforeach(map map);
select * from blog
public void getblogforeach()
pooleddatasource forcefully closed/removed all connections.
pooleddatasource forcefully closed/removed all connections.
pooleddatasource forcefully closed/removed all connections.
pooleddatasource forcefully closed/removed all connections.
opening jdbc connection
created connection 418958713.
setting autocommit to false on jdbc connection [com.mysql.jdbc.jdbc4connection@18f8cd79]
==> preparing: select * from blog where ( id=? or id=? )
==> parameters: 1(integer), 2(integer)
<== columns: id, title, author, create_time, views
<== row: 1, mybatis, 小落, 2022-01-26 15:45:58.0, 9999
<== row: 2, 微服務11, 小落11, 2022-01-26 15:45:58.0, 1000
<== total: 2
blog(id=1, title=mybatis, author=小落, createtime=wed jan 26 15:45:58 cst 2022, views=9999)
blog(id=2, title=微服務11, author=小落11, createtime=wed jan 26 15:45:58 cst 2022, views=1000)
resetting autocommit to true on jdbc connection [com.mysql.jdbc.jdbc4connection@18f8cd79]
closing jdbc connection [com.mysql.jdbc.jdbc4connection@18f8cd79]
returned connection 418958713 to pool.
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MyBatis 動態sql標籤
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