
2022-09-19 10:54:17 字數 2196 閱讀 4245


好吧,新的一年,不磨磨唧唧了,一般處理xss漏洞使用正則匹配,再次分享乙個golang strings包newreplacer的方法。


package main

import (



)func main()

//輸出 hello 老鳩


replacer replaces a list of strings with replacements.

//it is safe for concurrent use by multiple goroutines.

type replacer struct

//newreplacer panics if given an odd number of arguments.

func newreplacer(oldnew ...string) *replacer

(nil), oldnew...)}}//

replace returns a copy of s with all replacements performed.

func (r *replacer) replace(s string) string

newreplacer() 使用提供的多組old=>new的字串,建立並返回乙個*replacer替換程式的指標,replace() 是返回s的所有替換進行完成後的乙個拷貝。

即strings.newreplacer()是 golang中的函式從以前的新字串集列表中返回了新的replacer。


package main

import (



)func main()

//原樣輸出 just do it ?, one -> two



package main

import (



)func main()




func (b *replacer) build() replacer 

allnewbytes := true

for i := 0; i < len(oldnew); i += 2

if len(oldnew[i+1]) != 1



for i :=range r

//the first occurrence of old->new map takes precedence

//over the others with the same old string.

for i := len(oldnew) - 2; i >= 0; i -= 2

return &r

}r := bytestringreplacer

//the first occurrence of old->new map takes precedence

//over the others with the same old string.



for i := len(oldnew) - 2; i >= 0; i -= 2

) instead of string(o),

//to **oid utf8 encoding of o.

//e. g. byte(150) produces string of length 2.

)) }

r.replacements[o] = byte

(n) }

return &r


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