VB6 0 如何呼叫儲存過程,返回結果集問題

2022-09-14 03:12:11 字數 1360 閱讀 8349


if rs.bof and rs.eof then

msgbox "there is no master fr connect setting, please contact it."

exit sub


frconnectstr = rs("description")

end if

if frcn.state = adstateopen then


set frcn = nothing

end if

frcn.cursorlocation = aduseserver 'aduseclient 'aduseserver

frcn.isolationlevel = adxactreadcommitted

frcn.commandtimeout = 1800

frcn.open frconnectstr

' dim cmd as adodb.command

' set cmd = new adodb.command

' cmd.commandtext = "dbo.fr_gen_data_for_agpo"

' cmd.commandtype = adcmdstoredproc

' cmd.activeconnection = frcn

' cmd.commandtimeout = 300

' with cmd.parameters

' end with

' set rsfr = cmd.execute

' debug.print cmd.state

sql = "exec dbo.fr_gen_data_for_agpo '20g04502de01,20g07345gb01,', 'c',7"

set rsfr = frcn.execute(sql)

debug.print rsfr.state

if rsfr.state = 1 then

debug.print rsfr.recordcount

if rsfr.bof and rsfr.eof then


do while not rsfr.eof

debug.print rsfr(0)



end if

'get jo, by g or c

end if

記得儲存過程,要補上乙個 set nocount on, 原理不詳~~~囧


public sub procexe byval procname as string,byval pch as string dim cn as adodb.connection dim cmd as adodb.command cn.connectionstring cn.open set cm...


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之前為裝置的dll供客戶二次開發,包括c c 等呼叫都沒有問題,以乙個函式為例,c檔案和h檔案裡寫法如下 uchar chartohex uchar ch extern c declspec dllexport uchar chartohex uchar ch 字元轉16進製制但日前有乙個客戶還在用...