SQL 排序後按組顯示排名編號

2022-09-13 03:54:15 字數 1616 閱讀 2455


id  group1  group2  money

2232  gp1  aaa     234.3

2233  gp2  bbb     90.3

2234  gp1  aaa     804.39

2235  gp2  bbb     0

2236  gp2  bbb     88

2237  gp1  aaa     7

2238  gp1  aaa     234.3             

2239  gp2  bbb     88             


id  group1  group2  money   num

2234  gp1  aaa     804.39      1

2232  gp1  aaa     234.3        2

2238  gp1  aaa     234.3        2

2237  gp1  aaa     7              3

2233  gp2  bbb     90.3         1

2236  gp2  bbb     88            2

2239  gp2  bbb     88            2

2235  gp2  bbb     0              3

其中num是按group1 ,group2  排序後增加的編號列


select id,group1,group2,money

,(select count(money) from table1 where group1=a.group1 and group2=a.group2 and money>=a.money) as num

from table a

order by group1,group2,money desc



id  group1  group2  money   num

2234  gp1  aaa     804.39      1

2232  gp1  aaa     234.3        2

2238  gp1  aaa     234.3        3

2237  gp1  aaa     7              4

2233  gp2  bbb     90.3         1

2236  gp2  bbb     88            2

2239  gp2  bbb     88            3

2235  gp2  bbb     0              4


select id,group1,group2,money

,(select count(id) from table1 where group1=a.group1 and group2=a.group2 and money>=a.money) as num

from table a

order by group1,group2,money desc

SQL實現group by 分組後組內排序

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