root@webserver # metastat
d20: mirror
submirror 0: d21
state: okay
submirror 1: d22
state: needs maintenance
resync in progress: 0 % done
pass: 1
read option: roundrobin (default)
write option: parallel (default)
size: 277764096 blocks
#metareplace -e d20 c0t0d0s0
root@webserver # metastat
d20: mirror
submirror 0: d21
state: resyncing
submirror 1: d22
state: needs maintenance
resync in progress: 0 % done
pass: 1
read option: roundrobin (default)
write option: parallel (default)
size: 277764096 blocks
d21: submirror of d20
state: resyncing
size: 277764096 blocks
stripe 0:
device start block dbase state hot spare
c0t0d0s0 0 no resyncing
d22: submirror of d20
state: needs maintenance
size: 277764096 blocks
stripe 0:
device start block dbase state hot spare
c0t1d0s0 0 no last erred
#metareplace -e d20 c0t1d0s0
root@webserver # metastat
d20: mirror
submirror 0: d21
state: okay
submirror 1: d22
state: okay
pass: 1
read option: roundrobin (default)
write option: parallel (default)
size: 277764096 blocks
d21: submirror of d20
state: okay
size: 277764096 blocks
stripe 0:
device start block dbase state hot spare
c0t0d0s0 0 no okay
Solaris 10的執行級別
solaris如何改變系統執行級別 init 系統執行級別有8種,分別為 執行級別 意義 0 進入prom狀態 ok狀態 1 管理狀態 所有檔案系統都掛上的單使用者模式,禁止其他使用者登入 2 多使用者模式 沒有網路檔案共享服務 3 多使用者模式 有網路檔案共享服務 4 未使用 5 退出作業系統並關...
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