先測試下Windows Live Writer

2022-09-03 21:12:08 字數 1422 閱讀 4076

windows xp下的writer 14.0不支援設定插入的set to default功能。但是用起來,還算ok。如下:

用發布live writer**著色外掛程式cnblogs.codehighlighter提供的**插入外掛程式:


* loads the adnrecords in efid and returns them as a

* list of adnrecords

** throws securityexception if no read_contacts permission**


efid the ef id of a adn-like icc

* @return

list of adnrecord

*/public listgetadnrecordsinef(int


efid =updateefforicctype(efid);

if (dbg) logd("getadnrecordsinef: efid=" +efid);







官方的**插入外掛程式,有摺疊功能。windows live writer plug-ins,其實就是這裡的:livewriter插入高亮**外掛程式介紹 基於syntaxhighighter


/** * loads the adnrecords in efid and returns them as a

* list of adnrecords

** throws securityexception if no read_contacts permission

** @param efid the ef id of a adn-like icc

* @return list of adnrecord

*/public listgetadnrecordsinef(int efid)

efid = updateefforicctype(efid);

if (dbg) logd("getadnrecordsinef: efid=" + efid);

synchronized(mlock) else

}return records;



technorati 標籤: windowslivewriter14.0

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