option base 1
sub 新增學生個人資訊()
dim myfile as string, mypath as string, i as integer, arr() as string, j as integer
dim wb as workbook, xm as string, dz as string, myrange as range
for j = 1 to 25
mypath = "e:\yizhong\班主任返回資料\" & trim(str(j)) & "\"
set wb = getobject(thisworkbook.path & "\學生資訊.xls")
with wb.sheets("yz")
for i = 1 to ubound(arr)
for each myrange in .range(.cells(2, 1), .cells(1245, 1))
if left(arr(i), 19) = myrange.value then
xm = myrange.offset(0, 2).value
dz = myrange.offset(0, 3).value
debug.print xm & dz
name thisworkbook.path & "\" & trim(str(j)) & "\" & arr(i) as thisworkbook.path & "\" & trim(str(j)) & "\" & trim(str(j)) & "班" & xm & dz & arr(i)
end if
next myrange
next i
end with
next j
end sub
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