python 強制停止執行緒

2022-08-21 16:42:15 字數 2235 閱讀 7361



# coding=utf-8

import threading

import time

import ctypes

import inspect

import asyncio

def _async_raise(tid, exctype):

"""raises the exception, performs cleanup if needed"""


tid = ctypes.c_long(tid)

if not inspect.isclass(exctype):

exctype = type(exctype)

res = ctypes.pythonapi.pythreadstate_setasyncexc(tid, ctypes.py_object(exctype))

if res == 0:

# pass

raise valueerror("invalid thread id")

elif res != 1:

# """if it returns a number greater than one, you're in trouble,

# and you should call it again with exc=null to revert the effect"""

ctypes.pythonapi.pythreadstate_setasyncexc(tid, none)

raise systemerror("pythreadstate_setasyncexc failed")

except exception as err:


def stop_thread(thread):


_async_raise(thread.ident, systemexit)

class countdowntask:

def run(self, n):

while true:

# 將要執行的任務放在此處

# 示例

print("t-minus {}\n".format(n))

n -= 1


# time.sleep(100)

# end

# 示例

# stop threading

countdowntask = countdowntask()

th = threading.thread(, args=(10,)) # args可以給run傳參



stop_thread(th) # signal termination

# end



# coding=utf-8

import threading

import time

class countdowntask:

def __init__(self):

self._running = true

def terminate(self):

self._running = false

def run(self, n):

while self._running:

# 將要執行的任務放在此處

# 示例

print("t-minus {}\n".format(n))

n -= 1


# end

# 示例

# stop threading

countdowntask = countdowntask()

th = threading.thread(, args=(10,)) # args可以給run傳參


countdowntask.terminate() # signal termination

# end

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