python3 7裡面的簡單的演算法做法小結

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# 建立乙個列表,列表的內容為200以內的能同時被3和7整除的數字,並要求降序排序

lsa = [i for i in range(1,201) if i%3==0 and i%7==0]



# 結果是:

[189, 168, 147, 126, 105, 84, 63, 42, 21]


# 建立乙個列表,列表內儲存5個字串,將這個列表以字串長度公升序排序,輸出列表,檢視排序結果

ls = ["heel", "world", "s", "niasdf", "asdfasdfasdf"]

print(sorted(ls, key=lambda x: len(x)))

# 結果是:

['s', 'heel', 'world', 'niasdf', 'asdfasdfasdf']

3、# 輸入三角形的三條邊並求面積

import math

a = int(input('請輸入第一條邊'))

b = int(input('請輸入第二條邊'))

c = int(input('請輸入第三條邊'))

p = (a+b+c)/2

s = math.sqrt(p*(p-a)*(p-b)*(p-c))


4 、# 判斷乙個數是不是質數, 就是只能被1和它本身整除整除的數

def sushu(num):

if num > 1 :

for i in range(2,num//2):

if num % i == 0:

return "這不是乙個質數"


return '這是乙個質數'


5、# 求乙個數的階乘 例:5的階乘是 1*2*3*4*5

def jie(n):

if n==1:

return 1;

elif n > 1:

return n*jie(n-1);


# 結果是 120

6、 # 求1到999以內任意乙個數的遞迴的和
def digui(n):

if n==1:

return 1

elif 1 < n < 999:

return n+digui(n-1)


7、 # 求某個數的n次方的值
def hanshu(a,b):

return a**b


# 結果是 9

8,# 氣泡排序

def maopao(list1):

for i in range(len(list1)-1):

for j in range(len(list)-1-i):

if list1[j] > list1[j+1]:

list1[j], list1[j+1] = list1[j+1], list1[j]

return list1

print(maopao([9, 7, 5, 3, 1, 2, 4, 6, 8]))

# 結果是: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]

9. 快速排序

def quick(alist, left, right):

key = alist[left]

while left < right:

while left < right and alist[right] >= key:

right -= 1

while left < right and alist[left] <= key:

left += 1

alist[left], alist[right] = alist[right], alist[left]

alist[alist.index(key)], alist[left] = alist[left], alist[alist.index(key)]

return left

def interval(alist,left, right):

if left < right:

key_index = quick(alist, left, right)

interval(alist, left, key_index)

interval(alist, key_index+1, right)

alist = [9, 2, 5, 7, 3, 6]

interval(alist, 0, len(alist)-1)


# 結果是 : [2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9]


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