執行緒池ExecutorService 的使用

2022-07-28 06:45:15 字數 3243 閱讀 3218


* executes the given command at some time in the future. the command

* may execute in a new thread, in a pooled thread, or in the calling

* thread, at the discretion of the implementation.

** @param command the runnable task 執行runnale任務,定義乙個類實現runnale,或者直接使用lambda實現()->{}

* @throws rejectedexecutionexception if this task cannot be

* accepted for execution

* @throws nullpointerexception if command is null

*/void execute(runnable command);

/** * submits a value-returning task for execution and returns a

* future representing the pending results of the task. the

* future's method will return the task's result upon

* successful completion.

** * if you would like to immediately block waiting

* for a task, you can use constructions of the form* *

* note: the class includes a set of methods

* that can convert some other common closure-like objects,

* for example, to

* form so they can be submitted.

** @param task the task to submit 定義乙個類實現

* @param the type of the task's result 可以指定返回值型別

* @return a future representing pending completion of the task

* @throws rejectedexecutionexception if the task cannot be

* scheduled for execution

* @throws nullpointerexception if the task is null


/*** submits a runnable task for execution and returns a future

* representing that task. the future's method will

* return the given result upon successful completion.

** @param task the task to submit 執行runnale任務,定義乙個類實現runnale,或者直接使用lambda實現()->{}

* @param result the result to return 指定型別返回

* @param the type of the result

* @return a future representing pending completion of the task

* @throws rejectedexecutionexception if the task cannot be

* scheduled for execution

* @throws nullpointerexception if the task is null

*/futuresubmit(runnable task, t result);

/*** submits a runnable task for execution and returns a future

* representing that task. the future's method will

* return upon successful completion.

** @param task the task to submit

* @return a future representing pending completion of the task 返回乙個任意型別的返回值

* @throws rejectedexecutionexception if the task cannot be

* scheduled for execution

* @throws nullpointerexception if the task is null

*/future<?> submit(runnable task);

//建立 執行緒池

// 使用 runnable

public class t03_runnable );




}} catch (interruptedexception | executionexception e)

//public void work()

}// 使用 callable

public class t03_callable

};executorservice executorservice = executors.newsinglethreadexecutor();

futurefuture = executorservice.submit(callable);

// // future.get() :獲取非同步執行的結果,如果沒有結果可用,此方法會阻塞直到非同步計算完成

string s = future.get();





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