sub adjustrowheight0()dim modelsheet as worksheet, printsheet as worksheet
dim modelrng as range '模板單元格
dim modelrowheight() as double '模板行高資料
dim modelrowcount as long '模板行數
dim summodelheight as double '模板累計行高
dim adjustscale as double '調整比例
const model_count = 5 ' 每一頁放置多少個單據rowsinonepage / modelrowcount
dim desrng as range '貼上位置
dim breakrange as range '水平分頁符位置
dim pageheight as double '累計首頁行高
dim i as long '行號
set modelsheet = thisworkbook.worksheets("單據模板")
set printsheet = thisworkbook.worksheets("批量列印")
with modelsheet
endrow = .cells.find("*", .cells(1, 1), xlvalues, xlwhole, xlbyrows, xlprevious).row + 1
endcol = .cells.find("*", .cells(1, 1), xlvalues, xlwhole, xlbycolumns, xlprevious).column
set modelrng = .range(.cells(1, 1), .cells(endrow, endcol))
modelrowcount = modelrng.rows.count
redim modelrowheight(1 to modelrowcount)
summodelheight = 0
for i = 1 to modelrowcount
modelrowheight(i) = modelrng.rows(i).rowheight
summodelheight = summodelheight + modelrng.rows(i).rowheight
next i
end if
end with
with printsheet
for i = 1 to 25
set desrng = .range("a1")
endrow = .cells.find("*", .cells(1, 1), xlvalues, xlwhole, xlbyrows, xlprevious).row + 2
set desrng = .cells(endrow, 1)
end if
modelrng.copy desrng '實際操作時還需要填入資料
next i
if .hpagebreaks.count > 0 then
set breakrange = .hpagebreaks(1).location
i = 1
do while i < breakrange.row
pageheight = pageheight + .rows(i).rowheight
i = i + 1
rowsinonepage = breakrange.row
rowsinonepage = rowsinonepage - 1
adjustscale = pageheight / (summodelheight * model_count)
endrow = .cells.find("*", .cells(1, 1), xlvalues, xlwhole, xlbyrows, xlprevious).row + 1
r = 0
for i = 1 to endrow
r = r + 1
.rows(i).rowheight = modelrowheight(r) * adjustscale
if r = modelrowcount then r = 0 '逐個單據調整
next i
end if
end with
set modelsheet = nothing: set printsheet = nothing
end sub
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