Oracle 在使用pivot時,注意事項

2022-06-25 06:06:11 字數 1110 閱讀 7814

a)         pivot的時候,實際上也是一次分組,並且可以通過聚簇函式來實現統計

b)         pivot在取列名的時候,如果別名有漢字,要用雙引號括起來,或者不用雙引號

c)         如果對應的字段值為非數字或者字母,記得要用單引號引起來,比如下面的』a』

select *

from (select case

when a.score >= 220 and a.score <= 330 then


when a.score >= 630 and a.score <= 710 then


when a.score < 220 then



'(' || (ceil((a.score - 330) / 20) * 20 + 330) || ',' ||

(ceil((a.score - 330) / 20 + 1) * 20 + 330) || ')'

end 分數段,


from subjectregister a

left join subjectregister b

on a.candidatesid = b.candidatesid

where a.testid = '181'

and a.campuscode like '12%'

and a.subjectcode != 's'

and a.subjectcode != 'f'

and (a.score != '0' and a.score is not null and

b.score is not null)

and (b.subjectcode = 's' or b.subjectcode = 'f')) pivot(count(score) for score in('a' "a",

'a+' "a+",

'b' "b",

'b+' "b+",

'c' "c",

'c+' "c+",

'd' "d",

'd+' "d+"))

order by 分數段

oracle 行轉列 使用pivot函式

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Oracle 行列轉換函式pivot使用

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Oracle 行列轉換函式pivot使用簡介

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