public sub 工作表保護密碼破解()const dblspace as string = vbnewline &vbnewline
const authors as string = dblspace & vbnewline &_""
const header as string = "
"const version as string = dblspace & "
版本 version 1.1.1
"const repback as string = dblspace & ""
const allclear as string = dblspace & "
" & dblspace & "
& dblspace & "
"const msgnopwords1 as string = "
"const msgnopwords2 as string = "
"const msgtaketime as string = "
" & dblspace & "
"const msgpwordfound1 as string = "
" & dblspace & "
$$" & dblspace &_
"const msgpwordfound2 as string = "
" & dblspace & "
$$" & dblspace &_
"const msgonlyone as string = "
"dim w1 as worksheet, w2 as worksheet
dim i as integer, j as integer, k as integer, l as integer
dim m as integer, n as integer, i1 as integer, i2 as integer
dim i3 as integer, i4 as integer, i5 as integer, i6 as integer
dim pword1 as string
dim shtag as boolean, wintag as boolean
with activeworkbook
wintag =.protectstructure or .protectwindows
end with
shtag =false
for each w1 in worksheets
shtag =shtag or w1.protectcontents
next w1
if not shtag and not wintag then
msgbox msgnopwords1, vbinformation, header
exit sub
end if
msgbox msgtaketime, vbinformation, header
if not wintag then
on error resume next
do '
dummy do loop
for i = 65 to 66: for j = 65 to 66: for k = 65 to 66
for l = 65 to 66: for m = 65 to 66: for i1 = 65 to 66
for i2 = 65 to 66: for i3 = 65 to 66: for i4 = 65 to 66
for i5 = 65 to 66: for i6 = 65 to 66: for n = 32 to 126
with activeworkbook
.unprotect chr(i) & chr(j) & chr(k) &_
chr(l) & chr(m) & chr(i1) & chr(i2) &_
chr(i3) & chr(i4) & chr(i5) & chr(i6) &chr(n)
if .protectstructure =false and _
.protectwindows =false then
pword1 = chr(i) & chr(j) & chr(k) & chr(l) &_
chr(m) & chr(i1) & chr(i2) & chr(i3) &_
chr(i4) & chr(i5) & chr(i6) &chr(n)"$$
", pword1), vbinformation, header
exit do
'bypass all for...nexts
end if
end with
next: next: next: next: next: next
next: next: next: next: next: next
loop until true
on error goto
0end if
if wintag and not shtag then
msgbox msgonlyone, vbinformation, header
exit sub
end if
on error resume next
for each w1 in worksheets
'attempt clearance with pword1
w1.unprotect pword1
next w1
on error goto
0shtag =false
for each w1 in worksheets
'checks for all clear shtag triggered to 1 if not.
shtag =shtag or w1.protectcontents
next w1
if shtag then
for each w1 in worksheets
with w1
if .protectcontents then
on error resume next
do '
dummy do loop
for i = 65 to 66: for j = 65 to 66: for k = 65 to 66
for l = 65 to 66: for m = 65 to 66: for i1 = 65 to 66
for i2 = 65 to 66: for i3 = 65 to 66: for i4 = 65 to 66
for i5 = 65 to 66: for i6 = 65 to 66: for n = 32 to 126
.unprotect chr(i) & chr(j) & chr(k) &_
chr(l) & chr(m) & chr(i1) & chr(i2) & chr(i3) &_
chr(i4) & chr(i5) & chr(i6) &chr(n)
if not .protectcontents then
pword1 = chr(i) & chr(j) & chr(k) & chr(l) &_
chr(m) & chr(i1) & chr(i2) & chr(i3) &_
chr(i4) & chr(i5) & chr(i6) &chr(n)"$$
", pword1), vbinformation, header
'leverage finding pword by trying on other sheets
for each w2 in worksheets
w2.unprotect pword1
next w2
exit do
'bypass all for...nexts
end if
next: next: next: next: next: next
next: next: next: next: next: next
loop until true
on error goto
0end if
end with
next w1
end if
msgbox allclear & authors & version &repback , vbinformation, header
end sub
EXCEL 2013中「定義名稱」的命名規則
名稱可以包含字母 漢字 數字 以及 三種符號。名稱具有唯一性。名稱必須以字母或漢字或下劃線 作為開頭,不能以數字 字母r 字母c作為開頭,並且不能像單元格引用,例如,32和a4都不能作為區域名稱,由於excel 2007可以超過16 000列,不能使用cat1之類的區域名稱,因為存在乙個cat1單元...
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