IDL 雙重排序函式

2022-06-09 08:39:13 字數 3415 閱讀 1330


; :description:

; double sort

; :input:

;input array dimensions: 2*n

;idx: 0 - sort by the first column firstly (default)

;1 - sort by the second column firstly

;type: 0 - ascending sort both columns (default)

;1 - descending sort both columns

;2 - ascending sort firstly, and the descending sort

;3 - descending sort firstly, and then ascending sort

; :output:

;output sorted array: 2*n;

; :example:

; arr = [[9,4],[3,4],[3,1],[2,6],[9,6],[3,5],[5,4]]

;arrnew = double_sort(arr, 1, 3)

; :author:

;-function double_sort, arr, idx, type

compile_opt idl2

print , n_elements(arr)


if ~n_elements(arr) then begin

message, 'incorrect number of arguments', /continue

return, !null

endif else begin

if (size(arr, /dimensions))[0] ne 2 $

or size(arr, /n_dimensions) ne 2 then begin

message, 'please input array with 2*n dimensions', /continue

return, !null




;0 --- 按第一列先排序

;1 --- 按第二列先排序

if ~n_elements(idx) then begin

idx = 0

endif else begin

if idx ne 0 and idx ne 1 then begin

message, 'input index must be one of the value:0,1', /continue

return, !null




;0 - 均按公升序排序

;1 - 均按降序排序

;2 - 首先按公升序,然後按降序

;3 - 首先按降序,然後按公升序

if ~n_elements(type) then begin

type = 0


arr1 = arr[1-idx,*]

arr2 = arr[idx,*]

case type of

0: begin

arr1sort = arr1[sort(arr2)]

arr2sort = arr2[sort(arr2)]

r = histogram(arr2sort, location = loc)

evalue = loc[where(histogram(arr2sort) gt 1)]

foreach element, evalue do begin

eidx = where(arr2sort eq element)

arr1sort[eidx] = (arr1sort[eidx])[sort(arr1sort[eidx])]


end1: begin

arr1sort = reverse(arr1[sort(arr2)])

arr2sort = reverse(arr2[sort(arr2)])

r = histogram(arr2sort, location = loc)

evalue = loc[where(histogram(arr2sort) gt 1)]

foreach element, evalue do begin

eidx = where(arr2[reverse(sort(arr2))] eq element)

arr1sort[eidx] = (arr1sort[eidx])[(reverse(sort(arr1sort[eidx])))]


end2: begin

arr1sort = (arr1[sort(arr2)])

arr2sort = (arr2[sort(arr2)])

r = histogram(arr2sort, location = loc)

evalue = loc[where(histogram(arr2sort) gt 1)]

foreach element, evalue do begin

eidx = reverse(where(arr2sort eq element))

arr1sort[eidx] = ((arr1sort[eidx])[((sort(arr1sort[eidx])))])


end3: begin

arr1sort = reverse(arr1[sort(arr2)])

arr2sort = reverse(arr2[sort(arr2)])

r = histogram(arr2sort, location = loc)

evalue = loc[where(histogram(arr2sort) gt 1)]

foreach element, evalue do begin

eidx = (where(arr2sort eq element))

arr1sort[eidx] = ((arr1sort[eidx])[((sort(arr1sort[eidx])))])


endelse: begin

message, 'please input the correct argument of type.', /continue

return, !null


arrnew = arr

arrnew[1-idx,*] = arr1sort

arrnew[idx,*] = arr2sort

return, arrnew


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