用sql語句獲取的方式是:"select name from msysobjects where type=1 and flags=0",
另一種方法是用oledb 的oledbconnection下的getoledbschematable方法,剛好我也用的oledb,就用這種方法實現了。
using conn as new oledbconnection("***")
dim schematable as datatable = conn.getoledbschematable(oledbschemaguid.tables, new object() )
dim index as integer = schematable.columns.indexof("table_name")
for i as integer = 0 to schematable.rows.count - 1
dim row as datarow = schematable.rows(i)
dim aa as string = row.itemarray.getvalue(index).tostring
end using
這裡預設已經有配置好的環境了 yml配置 autowired private jdbctemplate jdbctemplate 查詢表是否存在 return public boolean istableexist string dbname,string tablename rs data.get...
select a table name,a num rows,b.from user tables a join user tab comments b on a table name b.table name where num rows 1 and b.comments like 囑 order...
show databases select table name from information schema.tables where table schema database name and table type base table select column name from inf...