private sub text2_keypress(keyascii asinteger)
dim tmp() as string
dim aa as string * 1
dim rd as string
dim i as integer
dim reload as integer
dim response
aa = chr$(keyascii)
if aa = chr(13) and pc_draw_flag = truethen
tmp = split(text2.text, chr(13)) '把目標陣列按分隔符chr(13)分割
for i = 0 to ubound(tmp) 'ubound()取陣列內元素的個數
rd = getnum(cstr(tmp(i)))
next i
route(route_num) = "&h"& hex(rd)『提示,此處處理較為重要
route_num = route_num + 1
text8.text = route_num
if route_num = 10 then
response = msgbox("路徑儲存已達上限!是否重新規劃?", vbyesno + vbdefaultbutton2 + vbinformation, "提示資訊!")
if response = vbyes then
route_num = 0
msgbox "路徑儲存已完成,傳送按鈕!", vbokonly + vbinformation, "提示資訊!"
end if
end if
end if
end sub
function getnum(sp as string) as string
dim vi as string
for i = 1 to len(sp)
vi = mid(sp, i)
if isnumeric(vi) then
getnum = getnum & vi
exit for
end if
end function
mscomm1.inputmode= cominputmodebinary
select case mscomm1.commevent
case 2
buffer = mscomm1.input
staylonglowpower = staylonglowpower + 1
fori = 0 to ubound(buffer)
if len(hex(buffer(i))) = 1 then
rec_data = rec_data & "0"& hex(buffer(i)) & " "
rec_data = rec_data & hex(buffer(i)) & " "
end if
next i
text1.text =text1.text + rec_data + " "
text1.selstart =len(text1)
private subcmdsend_click()
ifmscomm1.portopen = true then
if pc_draw_flag = true and optsendhex.value= true then
mscomm1.output = route『定義的乙個0-9十個byte的陣列
send_num = send_num + 10
text7.text = send_num
end if
if text2.text = "" orpc_draw_flag = false then
msgbox "傳送資料不能為空,請進行路徑規劃或輸入字元!", vbokonly + vbinformation, "提示資訊!"
if optsendhex.value = true then
mscomm1.inputmode =cominputmodebinary
mscomm1.inputlen = 0
mscomm1.inputmode =cominputmodetext
mscomm1.inputlen = 1
end if
' mscomm1.output = trim(val(text2.text))
end if
msgbox "串列埠沒有開啟,請開啟串列埠!",vbokonly + vbinformation, "提示資訊!"
許多時候我們在製作表單時需要限制文字框輸入內容的型別,下面我們用正規表示式限制文字框只能輸入數字 小數點 英文本母 漢字等各類 輸入大於0的正整數 1.文字框只能輸入數字 小數點也不能輸入 keyup this.value this.value.replace d g,on afterpaste t...
jq 文字框只能輸入數字
onkeyup 當輸入值的鍵盤抬起時觸發。value表示此輸入框的值,d g為正規表示式,用來匹配所有非數字字元 此句功能為 將輸入值為非數字的字元替換為空 上面的做法已過時,兩年後再看到這篇文章,又重新想了下這個問題。完善了 2018 06 22 selector為選擇器名稱,如 input na...
oninput value math.abs this.value 作用 輸出輸入值的絕對值 缺點 輸入小數提示英文 oninput validity.valid value 作用 只能輸入數字 缺點 但是可以輸入小數點和減號 onkeypress return event.charcode 8 e...