wc 命令 使用說明
wc 命令還是很是簡單的,通過 man 命令,可以見到可以選擇的選項:
wc option file
並且 wc 命令支援 管道操作
-c 字元的個數
-l 檔案的行數
-w 單詞的個數
➜ ~ wc -l /etc/passwd47 /etc/passwd
➜ ~ wc -c /etc/passwd
2549 /etc/passwd
➜ ~ wc -w /etc/passwd
104 /etc/passwd
➜ ~
namewc - print newline, word, and byte counts for each file
wc[option]... [file]...
wc [option]... --files0-from=f
print newline, word, and
byte counts for each file, and a total line if
more than one file is specified. a word is a non-zero-length sequence of char
‐ acters delimited by white space.
with no file, or when file is -, read standard input.
the options below may be used to
which counts are printed, always in the following order: newline, word, character, byte
, maximum line length.
-c, --bytes
print the
-m, --chars
print the character counts
-l, --lines
print the newline counts
read input from the files specified by nul-terminated names in
file f; if f is - then
read names from standard input
-l, --max-line-length
print the maximum display width
-w, --words
print the word counts
--help display this help and exit
output version information and exit
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