react hook 使用注意點

2022-05-19 14:10:51 字數 1117 閱讀 1596





useeffect(() =>, )

//componentupdate count變數更新時執行

useeffect(() =>, [count])


useeffect(() =>


2. 當在useeffect 使用 變數或者函式,並且沒有新增依賴時, 會報如下錯誤  

錯誤:react hook useeffect has missing dependencies: 'fn1' and 'menulist'. either include them or remove the dependency array

const fn1 = (list) =>

const fn2 = (list, map) =>


useeffect(() =>,)


the 'fn1' function makes the dependencies of useeffect hook (at line 208) change on every render. move it inside the useeffect callback. alternatively, wrap the 'fn1' definition into its own usecallback() hook;

解決辦法: 使用usecallback


1. 使用usecallback時,函式中使用到的變數也需要新增到依賴的陣列中

2. 使用usecallback時,函式中呼叫另外乙個函式時,需在當前函式前宣告

const fn2 = usecallback((list, map) =>


const fn1 = usecallback((list) =>,[location, maplist])

useeffect(() =>,[menulist, findnowpath])

React Hook基本使用

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React Hook 的簡單使用

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