sshd[3170]: server listening on port 22.sshd[3170]: received signal 15; terminating.
systemd: sshd.service holdoff time over, scheduling restart.systemd: starting openssh server daemon...
systemd: sshd.service start operation timed out. terminating.
systemd: failed to start openssh server daemon.
systemd: unit sshd.service entered failed state.
systemd: sshd.service failed.
systemd: sshd.service holdoff time over, scheduling restart.
systemd: starting openssh server daemon...
systemd: sshd.service start operation timed out. terminating.
systemd: failed to start openssh server daemon.
systemd: unit sshd.service entered failed state.
systemd: sshd.service failed.
systemd: sshd.service holdoff time over, scheduling restart.
systemd: starting openssh server daemon...
systemd: sshd.service start operation timed out. terminating.
systemd: failed to start openssh server daemon.
systemd: unit sshd.service entered failed state.
systemd: sshd.service failed.
journalctl -xe:
sshd.service start operation timed out. terminating.sshd[8425]: received signal 15; terminating.
systemd[1]: failed to start openssh server daemon.
-- subject: unit sshd.service has failed
-- defined-by: systemd
-- support:
-- -- unit sshd.service has failed.
-- -- the result is failed.
systemd[1]: unit sshd.service entered failed state.
systemd[1]: sshd.service failed.
polkitd[457]: unregistered authentication agent for unix-process:8419:67059806 (system bus name :1.2658, object path /org/freedesktop/policykit1/authenticationagent, locale en_us.utf-8) (disconnected from bus)
以上就是報錯資訊,完全找不到原因在**, sshd -t 也沒有任何輸出
yumremove openssh
yuminstall openssh openssh-server openssh-clients
service sshd start
(systemctl start sshd)
原文寫於2004年11月20日01 56星期六,注 昨晚,167的ssh連不上了 最後在biao哥的指導下,成功修復 昨晚到文體值班,發現167無法ssh,說22埠connection refused 而http與ftp都正常 ssh連不上就什麼也幹不了,167沒有顯示器也沒有鍵盤。向biao哥求救...
rosdep update 一直失敗問題
1.排除網路問題 更改 usr lib python2.7 dist packages rosdep2 下的三個檔案sources gbpdistro 中的download timeout 15.0值,改大一點就可以了。sudo vim usr ...
一 改一下硬碟模式。開機按f2 或別的鍵,螢幕有顯示的 進bois 找到 ata 模式 看看是 ide 還是 achi 模式?更改一下,按f10儲存。二 開機後 到系統選擇那裡按f8 選起作用的最後一次正確配置 可以解決因驅動裝錯造成的錯誤 和帶網路連線安全模式 進去後是有網路的,再用360軟體弄下...