寫的很差, bug很多.
memory management
convert with other formats
arithmetic operators
relational operators
logical operators
subscript operators
modified the way input a largeintegar,
which input a string and convert it to largeintegar;
calculate the memory more reasonable in substruction and addition;
added the new filehistort.cpp
, code that discarded place it here;
added relational operators;
streamline the add and sub;
來表示整段數字, 每個int32
只用4位, 為的是方便乘法操作.
同時可以在一定程度上減少計算量(是一般方法的四分之一), 雖然程式設計難度變大很多.
p1601 a+b problem(高精)
openjudge 3736 大整數減法
#include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std;
#define initsize 30
#define maxoffbit 9999
#define calcbit(x) (x > 999 ? 4 : (x > 99 ? 3 : (x > 9 ? 2 : (x > 0 ? 1 : 0))))
class largeintegar
template largeintegar convert_int_to_largeintegar(int integar)
void redistribute_memory(int sz)
static largeintegar convert_string_to_largeintegar(string& str)
*p = str[i] - '0' + 10 * (str[i - 1] - '0') +
(str[i - 2] - '0') * 100 + 1000 * (str[i - 3] - '0');
p -= 1, res.bit += 4;
}return res;
}template largeintegar operator = (const int& o)
friend istream& operator >> (istream &in, largeintegar &int)
friend ostream& operator << (ostream &out, largeintegar &lint)
int* num = lint.begpos;
if (lint.sign) cout << '-';
out << *num; num += 1;
int tmp;
while (num != lint.endpos)
out << *num;
num += 1;
}return out;
}int operator ! () const
bool operator < (const largeintegar& o) const
return false;
}bool operator >= (const largeintegar& o) const
bool operator == (const largeintegar& o) const
return true;
}bool operator != (const largeintegar& o) const
bool operator > (const largeintegar& o) const
bool operator <= (const largeintegar& o) const
largeintegar operator + (const largeintegar& o) const
else res.begpos = r, res.bit += (p == begpos ? calcbit(*r) : 4);
p -= 1, q -= (q == o.begpos - 1 ? 0 : 1), r -= 1;
}if (flag) res.sign = true;
return res;
}largeintegar operator - () const
largeintegar operator - (const largeintegar& o) const
while (*res.begpos == 0 and res.begpos < res.endpos - 1)
res.begpos += 1;
return res;
}};int test()
int main ()
本文中將列出opencv需常用的最小工程,以方便今後做測試用。工程環境為vs2010 opencv2.3.1 include stdafx.h include using namespace cv int main int argc,unsigned char argv return 0 inclu...
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