日常開發中,如果實用union all合併兩個已經排好序的結果集的時候,需求是第二個結果集資料排在第乙個結果集資料下面,單純的實用order by是無效的,因為order by的優先順序比union all低。
例如:select one.* from (select t1.* from table1 t1 where 1=1 and t1.day >3 order by t1.create_date desc) one
union all
select two.* from (select t2.* from table2 t2 where 1=1 and t1.day <=3 order by t2.create_date desc) two
此時查詢結果並不是安好two排序好之後 排在 one下面,如果要實現這樣的需求,可以使用乙個臨時字段作為排序字段,該字段的作用是使合併後的結果集有乙個統一的排序字段,合併前的結果集分別給預設值1和2,這樣在合併後的結果集可以排序了.
select all.* from (select one.* from (select t1.*,'1' as 'sortby' from table1 t1 where 1=1 and t1.day >3 order by t1.create_date desc) one
union all
select two.* from (select t2.* ,'2' as 'sortby' from table2 t2 where 1=1 and t.2day <=3 order by t2.create_date desc) two) all where 1=1 order by all.sortby asc
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