
2022-04-05 02:34:36 字數 1367 閱讀 1651


vim /etc/my.cnf




create table test(

id int(11) not null primary key auto_increment,

name varchar(100) not null comment '工商名',

brand varchar(100) default null comment '品牌名',

en varchar(100) default null comment '英文名',

fulltext key (name,brand,en) with parser ngram

)engine=innodb default charset=utf8;

insert into test (name,brand,en) values ('蕪湖美的廚衛電氣製造****','aa','wh');

insert into test (name,brand,en) values ('北京凡客尚品電子商務****','aa','ef');

insert into test (name,brand,en) values ('凡客誠品(北京)科技****','aa','dfd');

insert into test (name,brand,en) values ('瞬聯訊通科技(北京)****','aa','sdfs');

insert into test (name,brand,en) values ('北京暢捷通訊****','aa','wsdh');

insert into test (name,brand,en) values ('北京暢捷通支付技術****','aa','df');

insert into test (name,brand,en) values ('暢捷通資訊科技股份****','aa','whdfgh');

insert into test (name,brand,en) values ('北京暢捷科技****','aa','dgdf');

insert into test (name,brand,en) values ('中國航天工業科學技術諮詢****','aa','whffgh');

insert into test (name,brand,en) values ('北京·松下彩色顯象管****','aa','wfghfgh');


select  *  from  test  where  match  (name,brand,en)  against  ('北京');

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