
2022-03-27 23:59:29 字數 3271 閱讀 9621

using system;

using system.collections.generic;

using system.text;

using system.io;

namespace filediropreate



/// gets the name of the file.包括檔案的副檔名


/// 檔案的全路徑


public string getfilename(string filefullpath)



/// gets the name of the file.


/// 檔案的全路徑

/// 是否包含檔案的副檔名


public string getfilename(string filefullpath, bool includeextension)




/// gets the file extension.


/// the file full path.


public string getfileextension(string filefullpath)



/// opens the file.


/// the file full path.


public bool openfile(string filefullpath)



/// gets the size of the file.


/// the file full path.


public string getfilesize(string filefullpath)

else if (fl > 1024 * 1024)




/// files to stream byte.


/// the file full path.


public byte filetostreambyte(string filefullpath)



/// bytes the stream to file.


/// the create file full path.

/// the stream byte.


public bool bytestreamtofile(string createfilefullpath, byte streambyte)

filestream fs;

fs = file.create(createfilefullpath);

fs.write(streambyte, 0, streambyte.length);


return true;



/// 序列化xml檔案


/// the file full path.


public bool serializexmlfile(string filefullpath)



/// 反序列化xml檔案


/// the file full path.


public bool deserializexmlfile(string filefullpath)


public class diroperate


/// 建立資料夾


/// the dir full path.

/// the dir operate option.


public bool createdir(string dirfullpath, operateoption diroperateoption)

else if (diroperateoption == operateoption.existdelete)

return true;



/// 刪除資料夾


/// 全稱路徑.


public bool deletedir(string dirfullpath)



/// 得到目錄內的檔名,僅在當前指定的目錄下


/// 指定的目錄名


public string getdirfiles(string dirfullpath)

return filelist;


/// 得到目錄內的檔名,


/// t指定的目錄名

/// the so.


public string getdirfiles(string dirfullpath, searchoption so)

return filelist;


///  得到目錄內的檔名,


/// the dir full path.

/// the search pattern.


public string getdirfiles(string dirfullpath, string searchpattern)

return filelist;


///  得到目錄內的檔名,


/// the dir full path.

/// the search pattern.

/// the so.


public string getdirfiles(string dirfullpath, string searchpattern, searchoption so)

return filelist;}}


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