>## possible values for the options directive are "none", "all",# or any combination of:
# indexes includes followsymlinks symlinksifownermatch execcgi multiviews
## note that "multiviews" must be named *explicitly* --- "options all"# doesn't give it to you.
## the options directive is both complicated and important. please see
# # for more information.
#options indexes followsymlinks
## allowoverride controls what directives may be placed in .htaccess files.
# it can be "all", "none",or any combination of the keywords:
# options fileinfo authconfig limit
#allowoverride none
## controls who can get stuff from this server.
#order allow,deny
allow from all
listen 80818081>documentroot l:\projects\web1
>options indexes followsymlinks
allowoverride none
order deny,allow
allow from all
listen 80808080>
documentroot d:\codes
Apache2 2不能啟動的解決
近日打算做pdt的contributor,但是沒有用過php,打算學習下。很久沒碰apache了,結果安裝後,花了兩個晚上只成功啟動過2次。每次重啟後,都不能正確啟動apache。今天終於徹底解決了,首先,去看logs error.log,錯誤1 os 10022 提供了乙個無效的引數。child ...
apache 2 2 靜態檔案目錄的配置
好久沒搞apache了 基本忘光了 今天又重灌apache2.2,做個備忘 安裝略新增ajp略 重點解釋一下下面這段 quote 禁止使用proxy ajp 的目錄 proxypass sns images 使用proxy ajp 下面的配置,是把所有目錄全用 當然,還會跟上面的禁用配置組合成完整的...
Apache2 2和PHP5 2的配置
2.預設安裝apache2.2.4後,安裝目錄為 c program files apache software foundation apache2.2 3.按照php.net 的設定方法 http www.php.net manual en install.windows.apache2.php...