mysql 建立使用者

2022-03-24 02:22:52 字數 2542 閱讀 7182



建立資料庫,create database if not exists sub_orcldefault charset utf8 collate utf8_general_ci;

建立使用者:grant all privileges on sub_orcl.* to mobile@'%';

然後: msyql -umobile -pmobile ,登入失敗,一頓谷歌度娘之後仍無結果。鬱悶的認為mysql5.5不支援'%';無意中鍵入mysql -umobile 竟然能登入。。。


重新建立使用者 grant all privileges on sub_orcl.* to mobile@'%' identified by 'mobile';


show variables like '%partition%';


show variables like 'character%';

show variables like 'collation%';


select version();


create table test

(id int(38) not null primary key  auto_increment,

ptnum int(8),

nai varchar(256) not null

)partition by range (ptnum)(

partition par1 values less than(20120101),

partition pmax values less than maxvalue);


create table test

(id int(38) not null primary key  auto_increment,

ptnum int(8),

nai varchar(256) not null,

primary key (id,ptnum)

)partition by range (ptnum)(

partition par1 values less than(20120101),

partition pmax values less than maxvalue);




alter table tablename add partition (partition partitionname values less than (20121212));


aleter table tablename drop partition partitionname;


alter table tablename 

reorganize partition p201001,p201002,p201003,


p201007,p201008,p201009 into

(partition p2010q1 values less than (201004),

partition p2010q2 values less than (201007),

partition p2010q3 values less than (201010)

); --split

alter table tablename reorganize partition p2010q1 into (

partition s2009 values less than (201001),

partition s2010 values less than (201004)

);使用expalin partitions 來檢視查詢語句是否使用分割槽過濾了資料:

explain partitions select * from test where ptnum<20121212;



alter table test rename test1; --修改表名

alter table test add column name varchar(10); --新增表列

alter table test drop column name; --刪除表列

alter table test modify address char(10) --修改表列型別

這個貌似不成功:alter table test change address address char(40)

alter table test change column address address1 varchar(30)--修改表列名

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mysql 建立使用者

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