
2022-03-22 21:18:54 字數 2586 閱讀 7712



[oracle@test20 backup]$ chmod +x backup.sh


[oracle@test20 backup]$ ./backup.sh



echo 'db_name=payme' > $oracle_home/dbs/initpayme.ora

more $oracle_home/dbs/initpayme.ora

export oracle_sid=payme

rman target /

--原始資料庫dbid payme (dbid=1239133617) 從rman備份日誌查下

set dbid 1239133617


sql> startup nomount;


alter database mount;


crosscheck backup;


catalog start with '/home/oracle/backup/';

--主庫執行,生成rename sql,替換成對應資料檔案路徑

col aa for a200

set pagesize 100

set line 200

select 'set newname for datafile ' || a.file# || ' to "' || a.name || '";' as aa

from v$datafile a

union all

select 'set newname for tempfile ' || a.file# || ' to "' || a.name || '";' as aa

from v$tempfile a;

starting recover at 2019-11-08 16:17:31

using channel ora_disk_1

starting media recovery

【處理redo log和temp】

--如果例項安裝路徑不同,或者redo log和臨時表空間對應的檔案在目標伺服器上找不到

sql> col status for a7

sql> col type for a7;

sql> col member for a64;

sql> select * from v$logfile;

show parameter standby_file_management;

--alter system set standby_file_management=manual scope=both;


sql> alter database open resetlogs;


sql> col name for a80;

sql> select name from v$tempfile;


create spfile from pfile='$oracle_home/dbs/initpayme.ora';

create pfile from spfile;


vi .bash_profile

# .bash_profile

# get the aliases and functions

if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then

. ~/.bashrc

fi# user specific environment and startup programs


alias sql="sqlplus '/as sysdba'"

set line 200

set pagesize 200

stty erase ^h

set _editor=vi



payme =

(description =

(address_list =

(address = (protocol= tcp)(host = 192.168.xx.154)(port = 1521))

)(connect_data =

(server = dedicated)

(service_name =payme)))



(description_list =

(description =

(address = (protocol = tcp)(host =192.168.xx.154)(port = 1521))

(address = (protocol = ipc)(key =extproc1521))))


一 rman備份指令碼 run allocate channel c1 device type disk configure retention policy to redundancy 3 configure archivelog backup copies for device type dis...


應用場景 伺服器a為正常執行的生產環境,需要在伺服器b上部署一套相同環境做測試。一 伺服器a備份資料庫 1.2 備份指令碼內容 二 伺服器b恢復資料庫 2.1 伺服器b安裝資料庫軟體 2.2 啟動例項到nomount狀態 指定pfile檔案 2.3 rman恢復控制檔案,確定備份集有效性 2.4 r...


實驗環境 源資料庫伺服器名 china 資料庫全域性名和sid orcl 目標資料庫伺服器名 beijing 只安資料庫軟體,未新建資料庫 1.源資料庫備份資料並拷貝到目標資料庫伺服器 2.目標資料庫上建立service服務 oradim new sid orcl 3.使用源資料庫的spfile生成...