使用namedtuple 和 map object。
使用yield 和 zip。
result_from_db需要注意幾點:# mysql 資料庫
import mysql
from mysql import connector
from collections import namedtuple
def generate_namedtuple(cur):
from collections import namedtuple
fieldnames = [d[0].lower() for d in cur.description]
record = namedtuple('record', fieldnames)
rows = cur.fetchall()
if not rows:return
return map(record._make, rows)
def generate_dicts(cur):
fieldnames = [d[0].lower() for d in cur.description]
while true:
rows = cur.fetchmany()
if not rows: return
for row in rows:
yield dict(zip(fieldnames, row))
if __name__ == '__main__':
user = 'herbert'
pwd = '851020'
host = ''
db = 'world'
cnx = mysql.connector.connect(user=user, password=pwd, host=host,database=db)
cur = cnx.cursor()
cur.execute("select name, countrycode, district, population from city\
where countrycode = 'chn' and population > 500000")
for r in generate_dicts(cur):
print(r['name'], r['population'])
cur.execute("select name, countrycode, district, population from city\
where countrycode = 'chn' and population > 500000")
for k in generate_namedtuple(cur):
print(k.name, k.population)
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