用 htaccess關閉PHP錯誤顯示

2022-03-15 19:57:48 字數 3086 閱讀 1097



php_flag display_startup_errors off

php_flag display_errors off

php_flag html_errors off

php_value docref_root 0

php_value docref_ext 0


php_flag  display_errors        on

php_flag  display_startup_errors on

php_value error_reporting        2047


1 e_error

2 e_warning

4 e_parse

8 e_notice

16 e_core_error

32 e_core_warning

64 e_compile_error

128 e_compile_warning

256 e_user_error

512 e_user_warning

1024 e_user_notice

2047 e_all

2048 e_strict

4096 e_recoverable_error 


# enable php error logging

php_flag  log_errors on

php_value error_log  /home/path/public_html/domain/php_errors.log


# prevent access to php error log

order allow,deny

deny from all

satisfy all


# general directive for setting max error size

log_errors_max_len integer


# php error handling for production servers

# disable display of startup errors

php_flag display_startup_errors off

# disable display of all other errors

php_flag display_errors off

# disable html markup of errors

php_flag html_errors off

# enable logging of errors

php_flag log_errors on

# disable ignoring of repeat errors

php_flag ignore_repeated_errors off

# disable ignoring of unique source errors

php_flag ignore_repeated_source off

# enable logging of php memory leaks

php_flag report_memleaks on

# preserve most recent error via php_errormsg

php_flag track_errors on

# disable formatting of error reference links

php_value docref_root 0

# disable formatting of error reference links

php_value docref_ext 0

# specify path to php error log

php_value error_log /home/path/public_html/domain/php_errors.log

# specify recording of all php errors

php_value error_reporting 999999999

# disable max error string length

php_value log_errors_max_len 0

# protect error log by preventing public access

order allow,deny

deny from all

satisfy all


# php error handling for development servers

php_flag display_startup_errors on

php_flag display_errors on

php_flag html_errors on

php_flag log_errors on

php_flag ignore_repeated_errors off

php_flag ignore_repeated_source off

php_flag report_memleaks on

php_flag track_errors on

php_value docref_root 0

php_value docref_ext 0

php_value error_log /home/path/public_html/domain/php_errors.log

php_value error_reporting 999999999

php_value log_errors_max_len 0

order allow,deny

deny from all

satisfy all

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