go grpc遠端介面呼叫實現

2022-03-12 15:18:06 字數 1968 閱讀 6563

// grpc序列化/反序列化成對應語言的物件

// 1.寫idl(資料型別+方法)

// 2.生成對應語言的序列化/反序列化**

// 3.方法需要自己實現

// 環境(將gopath/bin加入path)


go get -u google.golang.org/grpc


}protoc -i helloworld/ helloworld/helloworld.proto --go_out=plugins=grpc:helloworld

// server實現

import (





pb "google.golang.org/grpc/examples/helloworld/helloworld"

)const (

port = ":50051"

)// server is used to implement helloworld.greeterserver.

type server struct{}

// sayhello implements helloworld.greeterserver

func (s *server) sayhello(ctx context.context, in *pb.hellorequest) (*pb.helloreply, error) , nil

}func main()

s := grpc.newserver()

pb.registergreeterserver(s, &server{})

if err := s.serve(lis); err != nil


// client實現

import (






pb "google.golang.org/grpc/examples/helloworld/helloworld"

)const (

address = "localhost:50051"

defaultname = "world"

)func main()

defer conn.close()

c := pb.newgreeterclient(conn)

// contact the server and print out its response.

name := defaultname

if len(os.args) > 1

ctx, cancel := context.withtimeout(context.background(), time.second)

defer cancel()

r, err := c.sayhello(ctx, &pb.hellorequest)

if err != nil

log.printf("greeting: %s", r.getmessage())


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web應用通訊通常都喜歡用http介面,但不排除直接socket通訊的情況。socket除了server端構建麻煩些 需要考慮很多實際情況 對於呼叫者來說構建個client端其實不比http麻煩多少。usr bin env python coding utf 8 auther linvo impor...

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